

Dan DeJiacomo Custom Homes built the original Tranquility home for the 2005 Street of Dreams®.  Dan worked with Garrell Associates, Inc. to design a home that reflected his vision of an elegant mountain and lake home.  During the process of building the home, the team at Dan DeJiacomo made several key modifications that would become lasting legacies of this iconic home.


The plan has been featured in numerous publications and has become one of the top selling plans in the country.  Many spin-off plans have also resulted from custom modification to the plan, such as the Lakeview and Amicalola Cottages.


The Tranquility plan and it’s spin-offs are intricate and complicated designs.  Over the years many homes have been built from these plans, but few have been on par with those built by Dan DeJiacomo Custom Homes.


Choose Dan DeJiacomo Custom Homes to build your version of these plans.

Achitectural design ©Garrell Associates, Inc. To purchase this house plan visit Garrell Associates, Inc.